Mixed Flower bouquet can use for many occasions such as birthday, anniversary, wedding, concerts or any other occasions. Our flower shop use the main flowers of roses, lilies, gerberas and carnation etc. mixed with seasonal matching flowers. Normally can be kept between 5 to 7 days at the room temperature. If you want the flowers to be last more longer, please remember replace the water of the vase everyday and add a little fresh flower preservative, so the roses can be more brilliant and lasting.
Brand: Hong Kong Flowers Supplier
Model: HKF-3056
6 Roses and 4 Asiatic Lily Bouquet..
HK$820.00 HK$710.00
Brand: Hong Kong Flowers Supplier
Model: HKF-3079
8 Stem Mixed Asiatic Bouquet..
HK$765.00 HK$680.00
Model: HKF-3597
The Alstroemeria Bouquet with 10 Pink Alstroemeria and Greeny Leaf in Elegant Packing for Birthday and Congratulations
HK$810.00 HK$730.00
Brand: Hong Kong Flowers Supplier
Model: HKF-3561
Baby Breath Bouquet, A very special Korea Style Bouquet, good for birthday, anniversary, celebration..
HK$1,110.00 HK$910.00
Brand: Hong Kong Flowers Supplier
Model: HKF-2836
A Bunch with Six Red Roses and Six White Roses with a Bird Paradise beautifully wrapped in a Green papers..
HK$1,080.00 HK$910.00
Brand: Hong Kong Flowers Supplier
Model: HKF-2855
Pink Botany with Purple Thailand Orchids is a Good Combinations Bouquet
HK$830.00 HK$810.00
Brand: Hong Kong Flowers Supplier
Model: HKF-2911
A Holland Purple Botany with One Dozen roses beautifully wrap in round shape bouquet
HK$880.00 HK$830.00
Brand: Hong Kong Flowers Supplier
Model: HKF-3088
Chrysanthemum and Asiatic Bouquet..
HK$780.00 HK$680.00
Brand: Hong Kong Flowers Supplier
Model: HKF-3531
8pcs Crystal Blue Roses with 2 mixed color Hydrangea
HK$1,030.00 HK$980.00